
Fishing Buddy

Patty decided to join me in my quest to explore catskills creeks. I wanted to make sure she will enjoy the whole experience and not get caught up in just catching fish. We got up early and prepared some sandwich and off we went. On our way up to the catskills, I've tried explain to her what to expect while in fishing in small creeks. Patty, after hearing my instruction for awhile, turns to me and said "Don't worry about me, let's just have a good time".

After a few missed turn, we were at the tail-end of Vernooy Kill, a six-mile stretch of the largest undammed tributary of Rondout Creek. Off the bet, we've found two large Brown trouts in a pool near where we parked. The water was so clear and low and any disturbance we've created drove those trouts to their hiding holes.

We waded through rocky freestone creeks all day and Patty kept up with me without any whimp. When she caught her first wild brookie, she coudn't wait until we get to the next pool.

I think we are one step closer to becoming a true fishing buddy to one another.


  1. you guys have some real "sneak attack" water. looks tough.

  2. that's pretty awsome report, luck man you are. Say hello to Patty from all of us. Just arrived back in Seoul.

  3. At the tail end of the creek was extremely tough as it is mostly calm pocket of pools. As soon as you step into the pool you see them scattering. We had better luck when you hiked up where water moved faster. I'm learning so much just being there and watching them react.
