
fishing in rain is tough… advice anyone?

I am a beginner at fly fishing, and perhaps that’s why – fishing in the rain is tough. It is tough to cast properly, it is difficult to find fish, and when the water level rises I have no clue what to do (so I usually stop fishing). Keeping the fly afloat in normal conditions is tricky enough, with different water flow speeds within my line distances…with rain, I shake that fly in the Dry Shake every few casts, like some ritual that will make fish appear at the end of my line. The only good thing about rain is that it provides some time for all of us to stop fishing, have a chat that lasts more than two words, and share a smoke or two. If anyone's got some goo tips about fishing in rain, please send along!


  1. you better hope that your wife doesn't read your blog as you are brave enough to post your picture with a cigarette. I would like to see you weasel out of this one.

  2. I haven't fished in rain enough to give advise but last time I got dumped on I switched to nymph and did very well.
