
Great Outdoors Expo, Woodstock, IL

I visited the Great Outdoors Expo in Woodstock, IL with my family. This wasn’t a fly fishing specific show but it was still good to meet a lot of people and see some of their products. I finally bought the Rio Spey Casting DVD, instead of trying to learn everything on Youtube, and it’s probably a good investment. I had a short but great conversation with Mr. Jim Tingey of and he explained the work he was doing. I also met some great guides I look forward to going out fishing with (, I ran into our friend Andy Kurkulis from and I was able to grab a few nice trout flies he had on sale for a buck. As I walked towards the seminar area I heard a familiar voice and it was Jon Uhlenhop, busy giving a seminar on "Local Fly Fishing Opportunities: Fishing within 4 hours of Chicago, 365 days a year”. Our family sat in for the last 20min of Jon's seminar and I was busy explaining to the wife that she could go and catch fish like Jon was showing on screen. I’m pretty sure my wife and kids weren’t as excited as I was, but it was a nice opportunity to show them the kind of nice people that are in the fishing world.


  1. i rember having to work those things. all that talk about fishing gets your blood moving

  2. 그곳이 가까운 곳이면
    설레임으로 바로 달려가서
    이것저것 실컷 눈요기라도 할텐데
    그렇지 못한것이 너무 아쉽네요...ㅎㅎ

    사진으로나마 이렇게 감상하니

  3. 요즘 레인보우 클럽은
    타잉 테이블 제작과,

    북해도 여름휴가 출조 문제로
    이런저런 고민들을 하고 있습니다.

    그리고 오늘
    다카하라 어르신과 장교수님 글고
    고도님과 함께,

    화천 산천어 축제에 갔다 왔는데
    루어 낚시만 가능하다고 합니다.

    하지만 저는 사람들 틈에서 플라이낚시를
    했고, 비드해드 말라부리치(올리브색)로
    산천어 큰놈들을 많이 잡았습니다.

    잠깐 했지만 재미있었어요...ㅎㅎ

    사진이 없어서 보여드리지는 못합니다.

  4. 다음주 부터는 슬슬
    계곡에 가서 산천어 잡으려고요.

    타잉도 어느정도 됬고
    ....음 드라이 밋지 이런저런 패턴과
    님핑도 해야하니 그것도 요것조것
    몇 놈씩 준비했고...ㅎㅎ
