
Catskills Flood

I haven't visited Catskills creeks recently as the entire region had been flooded due to all the rains we've had. Patty and I had a chance to witness the davastation this weekend as we visited our favorite Catskills creek.

This is a glimpse of what is going on in Catskills. The most of road we were on had some sort of damage which will require extensive effort to fix.

Luckily, our creek suffered but with minimum damage and seems like our little friends were able to survive the ordeal.


  1. Is this close to your place? Is there damage around your cabin? Looks like nice fall day.

  2. It is close to my main house but far from my upstate cabin and fortunately, our cabin has not been damaged. Thanks for asking. 또 비 온대요.. :(

  3. cabin이 무사하다니 다행입니다.
    비가 그렇게 많이 왔나요?

    자연의 힘은 우리 인간의 힘으로
    어쩔수없는 일이라, 비가 많이 오거나
    할 때는 늘 불안하죠.

    계곡도 멋지고
    그 속에서 자연을 즐기는
    사람도 멋지고....

    아주 보기 좋아요.

  4. 도로와 다리가 떠내려 간것을 보니 말씀하신것 같이 우리가 너무 초라해 보이느것 있죠... 도로공사 하는 작업을 뒤로하고 낚시를 즐기기가 좀 뭐했지만 그래도 사람 인지라 ㅎㅎ

  5. Wow, I have been away a few weeks, many things happened. I am glad that nothing happened to your property and same time, I am glad you continue enjoy fly fishing.
