
Top Mouth Culter In Taiwan

In the beginning I would like to say thank you to Yoonho who invited me to be the author of Four Seasons Angling Club. Give me this chance to share the fishing information of Taiwan.

In Taiwan there is no wild trout in the low altitude area. Only few high mountain places get the native trout called Taiwan salmon. However, this species is protected. No one can catch it. Therefore, Taiwan fly fishers need to fish other species which are more close to our living places. Thanks god, there are still some fishes left taht we can usually catch in the city area.

The first fish I like to introduce is top-mouth culter, which likes to stay in calm water, pool or dam. This fish eats shrimp and small fish. The most common size of the fish is from 30 to 50 cms. No very big, but still interesting.

Taiwan fly fishers usually use 3 or 4 weight fly rod to catch it. Flies we often employ are streamer and shrimp. Plus, sinking tip fly line is necessary, which can help the fly sink to the middle layers and reach the place fish stays.
Interested in fishing this species? If you have chance to come here, just mail me. Then, we can have a fishing trip together.


  1. Caddis!! Welcome and thank you for accepting my invitation. I learn a lot from you about Taiwan, fly fishing in Taiwan, and about fly fishing in general. I appreciate your generosity when we fish together in Taiwan, and look forward to more trips together in other parts of the world!

  2. Welcome Caddis! Heard a lot about you from Yoonho. Glad to see our blog going international. Looking forward to your stories time to time.

  3. Caddis. Welcome to FSAC. I also heard alot about you from gone fishing. Thank you for sharing your story and look forward to hearing from other wonderful stories from Taiwan. Welcome again.

  4. Thanks for everybody's welcome.
    I will continue share my fly fishing stories.

  5. Is there any contact information for Caddis? I am going to visit my family in Taiwan later this year, and would love to have a fishing partner. You can reach me at Thanks!

  6. You can contact Caddis through his site: His contact information is in the CONTACT US section. Have fun fishing in Taiwan, let us know how it goes!
