
after the rain...

The monsoon has left the peninsula and the water levels are dropping back to normal. Who knew these little fish could bring so much joy to my heart. I headed out to our favorite creek with Dr. Shin and Guroda-san to meet some cherry trout & baby rainbows. I threw some dries & nymphs and here are some fish that came up for photos today. The water level should be perfect in a couple of days.

신박사님, 운전하시느라 고생 많으셨습니다. 저는 옆에서 indicator 내려가는 꿈만꾸면서 잠들어 미안 합니다. 다음에는 제가 좀 하겠습니다. 항상 감사합니다.


  1. I'm glad that you guys are able to fish again out there. Those fish look amazing! Keep it tight!!!

  2. ohhhhhh WOW! that looks good. good to hear the water finally drops....

  3. 겁나게 잡었네 그려~

    If we compare with previous photos of cherry trout, I am sure some of them might be the same one.

  4. R5는 언제나 신뢰가 가는 포인트죠.
    그곳에 가면 나무 한그루 풀한포기도
    소중하게 느껴지고, 산천어와 송어를
    만나면 눈물이 날정도로 고맙고 감사합니다.

    언제까지 이런 기쁨을 가질 수 있을지
    잘 모르겠지만
    자연을 아끼고 소중히 생각해야 한다는
    사실은 더욱더 확고해지는 것 같네요.

    윤호씨도 수고했어요.....ㅎㅎ

  5. mrlee, they are waiting for you. you need to go see them.

    guys, had dinner with SH Yoo from Wild Mongolia tonight, really nice guy. All that talk of Mongolia has me planning. Taimen, see you soon.

  6. alas....I cant believe i'd ever say this but im too tired to fish.

  7. oh no, that is not good. try to drink it away.
