
a letter from a friend in Mongolia...

I just received a trip report from my friend SH Yoo, along with the photos from his recent trip to Eg valley in Mongolia. They started the drift approximately 40km above camp and scheduled a 3 day drift to base camp. They expected higher waters from the melting snow, but from the looks of it, seems they managed well. Finding Taimen that are over 1 meter long drifting big furry mouse patterns must be an experience of a lifetime. All in all, SH found 4 Taimen that are over the 1 meter mark, and a few smaller ones. SH is expected to be in Seoul in early July and I am looking forward to fishing the creeks here with him, and to hear the stories about wild Mongolia.

SH - thanks for the photos and the trip report. See you soon.


  1. Great report. Mongolia is a trip I'm saving for.

  2. SeungHoon - it was good speaking to you. See you in Korea soon!

  3. YoonHo,
    Have a great time in Korea!!
    See you soon in Korea..
