
Third Year Fly Fisher

Mrlee let me know about his friend Rob Thompsons of Third Year Flyfisher (http://www.thirdyearflyfisher.com) and his participitation in the Costa Fly Fishing Film Tour (http://www.flyfishingfilmtour.com/FilmMakers/). For this area, it will be in Wilmette on 5/3. If you haven't already seen Rob's trailers for the Musky Country, you need to see it to see what all the excitement is about. See trailer below and plan to go see the movie when it comes near you.

Musky on the fly teaser from RT on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting that g.f.! Rob is a great guy and an amazing editor. its good to see hes stepping up his skills from his blog to start making great videos about the great fishing around the chicago area. I might be from the west but after having lived in Chicago for five years I would suffice to say its one of the most diverse fishing places on the planet. Well worth the price of admission. I hope this video gets you stoked to get out there and bang a muskie! I had a few shots but could never pull the trigger.
