
Hometown creek

Last weekend,
I went to my hometown.
There is a creek just in front of my home.
I have seen that creek since I was a little kid,
but I never got a chance to fish there.
Actually, last time when I came back, I brought all my fishing stuff with me,
but the whether is really sucks...
it was raining badly.
This time, I already check the whether forecast,
it will be a sunny day, great!!!
So I got up very early,
drove by myself, and got the spot before the sunrise come out.
This creek is covered by lot's plant,
some even can cut your skin.
So it is really difficult to walk on the river side.
But the plant also gives the river fish a great refuge,
I saw lot's fish swum under the plant when they got spook by me.
Therefore, the fishery is wonderful here,
even you still can see people use net to catch fish here,
but the fish can find refuge easily!!
The net dose not work at all!!!
In my one day fishing trip,
I got more than 100 Taiwanese kurri with soft hackle fly.
The biggest one 17CM male kurri.
I really have to tell you guys,
the fishing is HOT in this season!!!!


  1. sounds like you had a great time Hank. More than a hundred fish! wow. Spring time brings good fishing all around the world, a very happy time for anglers. Enjoy spring!

  2. Yoon Ho,
    try to make some available time to Taiwan, and we can bring you to enjoy this, too!!!
