
A letter from Ulan Bator.

I received a warm letter from my friend S.H. Yoo from Mongolia. He just returned from his early winter float trip. I like the fact that weather can push back trips in Mongolia for 2-3 days, waiting for the temperature to rise, and water levels to go down. In our world of exacting schedules, it's refreshing. He spoke a lot about the friendship that builds up over the years with the guide & navigator, even with limited communication in words. Thank you S.H., I look forward to seeing you again soon in Korea or China, but preferably in Mongolia.


  1. It sure is a different world out there. Beautiful place to fish.

    Happy Birthday Charles from Fremont CA!

  2. 울란바토르에도 이제 겨울이

    마음은 항상 그곳에.....ㅎㅎ

  3. Where is this place?
