
from elegance to performance…

Fly fishing reels have a fairly long history, and I won’t even attempt to try to explain what was significant or worthy in this industry. I will however state that I love the designs and I’ve pretty much started to spend a good chunk of my money on these things. As with most artifacts, you can take a good guess when these reels were built by simply looking at the material and machining process that’s applied on them. Various materials- from wood, to metals, to Bakelite, to clear composite are used. The structure and mechanism is simple yet completely functional (well, some better than others). The finishing on these are basically a matter of preference and I like that about these things … that their shape, function, mechanism is driven by performance – yet the trim, finish, and other details are completely decorative (and often elegant). As you look at some of the more recent designs, you can start to imagine how cross pollinating with other industries (bicycle technology, exercise equipment technology, mobile electronic technology) could spice things up a bit. Hum… let me get my drawing book out.

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