
Discovering Diamond Lake

Sometimes you luck out and discover a smaller local lake that has a lot to offer. Diamond Lake is one of those lakes. Many of us drive by it everyday, and it's humble appearance doesn't call much attention to it. This is one of the healthiest local lake I have seen, and each fish we catch there proves it to be true. The fish out of Diamond Lake are full of life, exceptionally beautiful in color, and the wide variety of the species there still amazes us each time we go out. There is one very special species there that I have not seen yet in other local lakes near by, the striped bass. I didn't catch any striped bass that I would consider giant in size, but I have seen my friend bring out 2-3 pounders out of the water, and that plenty good for me. I've caught a few smaller ones, and discovered that they are generally more aggressive and hard hitting when they strike. Pound for pound, a better fight. That on a fly rod leads to some good times.

" The striped bass is a typical member of the Moronidae family in shape, having a streamlined, silvery body marked with longitudinal dark stripes running from behind the gills to the base of the tail. Maximum size is 200 cm (6.6 ft) and maximum scientifically recorded weight 57 kg (125 US pounds). Striped bass are believed to live for up to 30 years "

It's a unique lake in the fact that you need to be in the water to be fishing (unless you own a home there). So some mornings, my friend and I will throw on our waders and hit the water for some Diamond Lake action. We've fished from our friend's dock and have canoed the lake as well, but Diamond Lake has been most memorable for the wading we've done there. Here's what I find unique about it: we are usually wading waist/ chest deep in water. When you catch and bring the fish in, it's at an angle that is entirely different. It almost feels like the fish is flying to you, because they arrive at an angle that's much higher than when you would normally experience elsewhere. For me, that slight change in angle/ height makes the experience feel completely unique and worth going back for. Hopefully I'll be able to wade this lake a few more times before winter rolls around and ice become too thick to wade through.