
Swimming with Iphone

I had a dream last night where GF was wading ahead of me, lost his balance, and fell in. Rather than freak out and start gasping for air, like I would do, he started swimming gently across the pool with rod in hand. Good news for all you smart phone users...No more plastic bags, or worrying about taking a call streamside. I wonder if they can do it for cigarettes????


  1. Happy New Year my friend, hops all is well there. It's been an unusually warm winter here. Oh no! even in your dream I am wading ahead... GF's new year resolution #7: to be more selfless and to wade behind friends for the entire 2012.

    Technology like this is very cool and is offered by several companies now. A slight different but also cool is this:

    Maybe they can make parts of the wader with this so I can fall with ease.
