
surrounding yourself with what you love…

I returned from a rather long business trip and looked around my room. Since I have fallen in love with fishing, I have completely changed the way my room looks, and even the way I dress – normally that is, when I am not fishing. I guess there is a side of that constantly thinks that at any given moment in time, no matter how remote, I might find myself in a situation I have to fish. And when I find myself there, I will in some way or another be ready. My room is now full of rods and reels everywhere, located strategically so that if I need to run out of the house to go fishing, I can grab a rod and then grab the reel on the way to door. It’s almost like I am ready for some immediate emergency fishing, if that situation ever arises. I walk into the room and the room says to me, “let it be known, and guy who likes to fish lives here!”. I wished I had a picture of the room before I was fishing, I even forgot about what life was like before – do you remember yours?


  1. Yoonho,
    I really like the lamp in the first photo,
    where can I get one?


  2. 준영이 형이 오랜 만에 그소리 한번 해야지… 자기 낚시대 하나면 내 낚시대 다 합친 가격이라고… 그럼 난 항상 얘기하지, “낚시대가 고기 잡나?” 그리고 한바탕 웃지…
