
The River Why

Some people like reading the book, then watching the movie. Some like it the other way around. The latter is usually less disappointing, and actually can aid a little bit when reading the book. Of course it kills the opportunity to invent the faces & voices of the characters, which is a valuable part of reading. I’ve done it enough times that if I'm in the zone with the book, I can kind of tune the movie scenes out. I’ve also had enough times reading books and watched poor movies of it, but even then, if I liked the story enough, I will sort of imagine "through" the movie. I’ve heard of this book “The River Why” by the author David James Duncan, and I've heard it’s good. The movie is in production and will soon be out. I will wait and watch the movie first, mostly because I think the book will be good. It’s always good to have shots of a hot looking girl (Amber Heard) with a name like Eddy, fly-fishing intensely. Looking forward to this movie then the book.

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