
Take care Charles

I got this message from Charles this morning....  I know he will take care of his wife and himself no matter what, but it was still nerve rattling to see this message. 

Charles, I know you will but be careful and let's talk when you can.


  1. Stay dry and safe. Hope everything would be okay...

  2. Hope you are all safe.

  3. I did think about you Charles the other day when I was watching the news. I hope everything goes well with the clean-up and get back to normal soon. Keep us updated.

  4. I just spoke with Charles. He is safe, and doing exactly what we would expect him to be doing - helping the elderly in his deserted neighborhood, sharing his generator, and organizing the cleanup crew who is looking for directions without the building management. He still has no electricity or heating and is keeping his family warm with camping gear. He managed to salvage one of his cars, but his wife's car is likely totaled with the salt water that came up. He's almost out of gas for the generator and he tells me that people are getting desperate looking for gas. I can't believe that after almost a week, things are still so bad. I've been to his house and to image the tidal waters that high is unimaginable. Stay warm Charles and stay safe.

  5. Thanks boys. Feel like just went through a war. Still no power where I live. I will post some pictures of the storm when I get power and internet svcs.
