Various fly fishing organizations have competitions/ events named “one fly” (Jackson Hole, Yakima River, Trout on). Usually these events are fund raising events that benefit some good cause, usually for conservation. For some of the longer running events like the Jackson Hole One Fly, the entry fees are super heavy ($5K-$10K per team), and even then getting a spot in the event is done through a drawing. There are always more applications than spots, which I guess is a good thing (for conservation). There seems to be plenty of other ‘one fly’ events that may be less famous, but also doing great work. With some serious casting practice this year, I hope to participate in one of these competition event, and get involved in the good work they do for conservation. In most of these friendly competitions, winning is secondary to camaraderie and love of the sport. The real contest is between anglers and the fish.
So with that in mind, I’ve been “training” myself to select and use only one fly each time I go out to fish. If I lose the fly, then I pack up for that day. In doing so, I noticed three significant changes. One, when I tie a fly, I seem to take more care in making sure it’s well made, and durable. I glue down the thread where needed, and make sure the finish is tight and secure. The last thing I want is that one fly coming apart during the day. Second, when I pick out the fly, I choose it carefully, thinking about the location, weather, time of day, so on. Third, I cast each cast with care. I know that if I get hung up in that bush, or even worse somewhere below I cannot see, then I am through for the day. All three things are areas I need improvement in anyways, so competition or not, this will be good for my fishing habits. Of course, with the one fly, I stay away from the 7X, 8X tippets. Nothing lighter than 4X….at least for now.
I read somewhere that fishing with one fly is like playing the entire 18holes of golf with one club…difficult. I have to wonder, will I catch more fish because I am intensely more sincere with each cast, selection of fly, and better made flies? I won’t make any unrealistic promise to fish this way every time I go out to fish, but I will do this a lot this season, and at the end of the season, I will see if this allowed me to grow in some way (or not). I like catching fish and I am certainly a fan of catching many & bigger fish, however without challenge, I might as well go fish in a tub filled with fish.
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